Senior Thesis Prize

We are delighted to announce a new prize for graduating seniors in the major.  The “Robert J. Glushko Prize for Distinguished Undergraduate Research in Cognitive Science” will be awarded (along with a $500 prize) to a graduating senior in Yale College whose senior thesis demonstrates remarkable achievement and discovery in Cognitive Science.  The recipient (or in unusual circumstances, two recipients) will be selected and awarded by an interdisciplinary faculty committee and will be recognized at Commencement.  Per the prize’s name, we are greatly indebted to Bob Glushko for funding this honor (as he has other prizes in our field at large, such as the “David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Theoretical Foundations of Human Cognition” and the “Glushko Dissertation Prize” from the Cognitive Science Society).

We are pleased now to confirm that this inaugural prize will be awarded for this year’s graduating class.  To be considered, an advisor (or other faculty member) should send a nominating letter (of no more than 2 pages) along with the thesis itself to Guilherme Almeida at, no later than Tuesday May 3rd.  (This tight timeframe is required in order to have the winner be recognized in the commencement materials – and in future years this might cause us to move up our thesis deadlines by another week or so.)  Then an interdisciplinary faculty committee will name a winner by Friday 5/13.