

David Watts's picture

Prof Anthropology

Child Study Center

James McPartland's picture

Associate Professor in the Child Study Center

Fred Volkmar's picture

Dir Child Study Center; Prof Pediatrics & Psychology; Harris Prof of Child Psychiatry; Prof Psychiatry and Psychology

Cognitive Science

Isaac Davis's picture
Isaac Davis


Computer Science

Julie Dorsey's picture

Prof Computer Science

David Gelernter's picture

Prof Computer Science

Holly Rushmeier's picture

Prof Computer Science

Brian Scassellati's picture

Prof Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

Marynel Vázquez's picture

Asst Prof Computer Science

Steven Zucker's picture

Prof Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

Haskins Laboratories

Richard Aslin's picture

Senior Scientist

Kenneth Pugh's picture

Assoc Prof (Adj) Linguistics; Agency Acct Assoc Haskins Laboratories

Julie Van Dyke's picture

Agency Acct Assoc Haskins Laboratories


Stephen Anderson- Emeritus's picture

Dorothy R Diebold Prof Linguistics and Psychology

Claire Bowern's picture


Veneeta Dayal's picture

Dorothy R. Diebold Professor of Linguistics

Robert Frank's picture

Prof Linguistics

Laurence Horn-Emeritus's picture

Prof Linguistics and Philosophy

Maria Pinango's picture

Assoc Prof Linguistics

Raffaella Zanuttini's picture

Prof Linguistics


Ian Quinn's picture

Prof Music


Tyler Brooke-Wilson's picture

Assistant Professor, DUS of Cognitive Science

Michael Della Rocca's picture

Andrew Downey Orrick Prof of Philosophy

Tamar Gendler's picture

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Vincent J Scully Prof of Philosophy, Prof Psychology and Cognitive Sciences

Joshua Knobe's picture

Professor of Philosophy, of Linguistics and of Psychology; Chair of Cognitive Science Program

L.A. Paul's picture

Millstone Family Prof of Philosophy and Prof of Cognitive Science

Sun-Joo Shin's picture

Prof Philosophy

Jason Stanley's picture

Jacob Urowsky Prof of Philosophy and Prof of Linguistics

Zoltan Szabo's picture

John S. Saden Prof Philosophy and Linguistics


Woo-kyoung Ahn's picture

Prof Psychology

John Bargh's picture

James Rowland Angell Prof Psychology and Cognitive Science and of Management

Nicolò Cesana-Arlotti's picture
Nicolò Cesana-Arlotti

Assistant Professor

Steve Chang's picture

Associate Prof Psychology and Neurobiology

Marvin Chun's picture

Richard M. Colgate Prof of Psychology; Dean Yale College; Prof Neuroscience

Yarrow Dunham's picture

Asst Prof Psychology

Melissa Ferguson's picture


Julian Jara-Ettinger's picture

Asst Professor Psychology

Marcia Johnson's picture

Sterling Prof Psychology – Emeritus

Frank Keil's picture

Charles C & Dorathea S Dilley Prof Psychology and Linguistics

Julia Leonard's picture

Asst Prof Psychology

Gregory McCarthy's picture

Henry Ford II Prof of Psychology

Samuel McDougle's picture

Assistant Professor

Jennifer Richeson's picture

Philip R. Allen Professor of Psychology

Robb Rutledge's picture

Assistant Professor

Laurie Santos's picture

Chandrika and Ranjan Tandon Prof Psychology; Head of Silliman College

Brian Scholl's picture

Prof Psychology; Chair of Cognitive Science Program

Nick Turk-Browne's picture

Prof Psychology

Ilker Yildirim's picture

Assistant Professor

School of Law

Dan Kahan's picture

Elizabeth K Dollard Prof of Law and Prof Psychology

Tom Tyler's picture

Macklin Fleming Prof of Law and Prof in the Institute for Social and Policy Studies, of Management and of Psychology

Gideon Yaffe's picture

Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld Prof Jurisprudence

School of Management

Daylian Cain's picture

Senior Lecturer Negotiations, Leadership & Ethics

Jason Dana's picture

Associate Professor of Management and Marketing

Ravi Dhar's picture

George Rogers Clark Prof Management and Prof Psychology

Shane Frederick's picture

Prof Marketing

Nathan Novemsky's picture

Prof Marketing and Prof Psychology

Gal Zauberman's picture

Joseph F. Cullman, 3rd Professor of Marketing

School of Medicine

Amy Arnsten's picture

Albert E. Kent Prof Neuroscience and Prof Psychology

Hal Blumenfeld's picture

Mark Loughridge and Michele Williams Prof of Neurology and Prof Neuroscience and Neurosurgery; Dir Clin Neuroscience Imaging Ctr

Philip Corlett's picture

Associate Prof Psychiatry

Hedy Kober's picture

Associate Prof Psychiatry and Psychology

Al Powers's picture

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry